I play a lot of electric guitar on the new album. Notice the Russian sign above my head.
So a couple of weeks ago, I sat with my MacBook and headphones and had a good listen. Keep in mind, some of these songs I haven't heard in nearly three weeks and had forgotten exactly how they sounded.
Me and Fabien in the studio. He is setting up my vocal microphone.
My first reaction was lots of smiles and a sense that we had achieved something very special for this album. It was more than I could have hoped for and a joy to listen to. These songs are my babies, so it was with a lot of pride, a good dose of humility and a huge nod to my producer that I was so thrilled listening to them take off and fly and come into their own. Can't wait to share them with you!
There was a lovely upright piano in the studio, that belongs to Fabien's partner Nina Hynes, that I played on one song and Fabien played on a number of songs.