Friday 11 July 2008

I Heart Skype

I just wanted to proclaim my love for my recent discovery - Skype. For those of you who don't know of this wonderful invention, it's a programme which you can download onto your computer for free, which allows you to call other Skype users for free. If you have a webcam, it also lets you, with amazing 21st century technology, to see the person you are speaking to. Yes, that's right - see the person you are talking to! Now I know that this isn't cutting-edge technology as it's been out for a while, but for me it seems completely space-age. We have been able to have virtual face-to-face conversations with our friends from home (above our friend Richie a la Skype).

The great thing has been that we have also been able to see our friends' kids (above is Dee and Richie's Seimi saying "hello"), whom we miss dearly. Knowing how kids grow up so quickly it's great to be able to see them every now and again and to remind them of what we look like. So anyway, this is a plea to all of you with computers to get in contact via Skype (kusiokamura and ericeckhart32). We can give you a virtual tour of our apartment! Our real, authentic DDR wallpaper! Our antiquated, crappy gas oven! We'll even let you see what we are eating for dinner! (You can see mini-pic in the corner of the pic above - just a taster!) See for yourselves if Eric has grown a huge bushy handle-bar moustache. Or not. Whether I have really grown two inches in an amazing growth spurt. Or not. We are but a Skype away!

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