Friday 31 October 2008

The Search

The Search began early last week. I realised very quickly that I should have started looking sooner. All the usual suspects were out. By Friday, things were not looking good. I put all my detective skills to use and found a man who knew a man who knew another man who could help us. Emails were exchanged. I told him I wanted two. We were lucky, he said, he was down his last few. He'd might even do a special deal for us. Did I know the Burger King by Landsberger Allee S-Bahn station? He'd be at 7pm wearing a red baseball cap. Bring your phone, he said, just in case. I had Eric come with me 'cause a fine strapping sidekick never goes amiss. So there we were on a cold foggy night, outside Burger King, rustling through plastic bags, and exchanging cash for contraband. Or that's how it felt. But as in all good stories (or at least the ones I like) it all worked out in the end. The guy got his money, and nice fella he was too, and two Obama fans were happy in the knowledge that they would be appropriately clad for Election Day.

So whatcha think? Nice eh? It says exactly what we wanted it to say and it also was the same t-shirt that Democratics Abroad made up for Obama's visit to Berlin this year. As Eric Eckhart likes to say 'how apropos'!


Anonymous said...

What a funny story!!! I love your Obama shirts. I bought an Obama shirt at the headquarters in Culpeper. It says HOPE on the front and on the back has the shape of Virginia with OBAMA 2008 underneath it. I volunteered to make phone calls to voters and also went cavassing. Barack told everyone to get out and help during the last few days before the election, so I did.

Jason Bennett said...

Love the shirts. We meant to buy one for Leah that says "Brown girls for Obama." The polls have Obama ahead here in Ohio, but based on past experience we have no room for complacency. Can you believe Obama has an office here in little Mt. Vernon, population 15,000? We're going out tonight and tomorrow for some GOTV.
In Birmingham they do love the governor and I can tell you my sister is apoplectic over how things are going right now.

Anonymous said...

those shirts are (wait for it) überkool !
The world for OBAMA, yeah
so eric won't have to slap the bumpersticker i sent you guys on kusi's bum ! ! !

peace love and CHANGE WE NEED(sounds like yoda for obama)

Anonymous said...

speaking of t-shirts, I got one for sally and julia @ the OBAMA headquartes in charleston
"MOuntain momma for OBAMA"

peace love and HOPE !

Unknown said...

Did he win?


Anonymous said...

I got Hannah a t-shirt at the headquarters too. I wore it on election day ( as it is an adult size small ) but had to go home and get a sweater to cover it up before voting---they consider that campaigning and you can't do that inside a polling place. Therese