Wednesday 23 April 2008

Movie Night

Eric and I went to our local cinema the other night - Das Film Cafe. It is a small, funky cafe just around the corner from us that has muted lighting and comfy vintage furniture. It sells organic coffee, tea, cake and breakfasts (all with film-related titles like 'The Director's Cut' breakfast and 'Leading lady' breakfast). They have a range of film magazines to look at and dvds to borrow. AND, they also show films every night of the week in their basement cinema. Luckily for us, on Monday and Wednesday nights, they also show the film of the week in English or the original version. So this week we decided to toddle along to see what it was like.

I have to say the whole experience encapsulated Berlin for me. We arrived at about 8 o'clock (film to start at 8.20pm). It was 4 euros in, or 6 euros with a drink (Eric got a Beck's and I got an organic lemonade). At about 8.15pm the guy behind the counter said 'Okay, let's go down!' and the seven of us that had gathered by then followed him downstairs in an orderly line (hiliarious!).

We had never seen the cinema before so we had no idea what it was going to be like. To be honest, I thought it was going to be a scabby little room with a blank wall and some plastic chairs. Luckily I was wrong. It turns out that it's a plush little proper cinema, with comfy tiered cinema seats (seating about 20). Yay for us! So we happily settled in to watch the film -
In the Valley of Elah.

I just wanted to write a brief note on this film because I really thought it was excellent. It is from the guy who wrote and directed Crash and Letters from Iwo Jima. It won't be spoiling it to say that is about young soldiers coming back from Iraq. I thought it was a brilliant study of the impact of war on people and it's knock-on effect in society. It was both tender and stark, and just very human. Tommy Lee Jones was also excellent. Go see this film if you can!

So that was it! Our first experience at Das Film Cafe. No adverts, not a peep from any of the other people (no talking on mobiles or eating offensive-smelling liquid cheese), digital film, and great sound quality. In two words - film bliss!


Anonymous said...

Steve would love the little cinema. It sounds like a great place to watch a film. He would also like the cafe with film related names for food items and film magazines to look at. I hope Mom shows him that blog.

Anonymous said...

i've said it before and i'll say it again... überkool
tell me you didn't goosestep in line to the cinema.
sally has been mentioning the valley of elah and you just assured us of watching it.
peace, love and enjoyment
the ben

Anonymous said...

we borrowed the valley from mom ! ! !
powerful stuff.
and bush said this wasn't going to be like vietnam. hah...
in too many ways it is.
love peace and the truth
the ben